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Benefits of Gluten Free Biscotti

Benefits of Gluten Free Biscotti

Crispy, crunchy, and perfect to accompany your steaming cup of coffee, biscotti cookies are among the most delightful snacks to enjoy on a chilly evening. These delicious Italian cookies appeal to your taste buds and are considerably calorie-efficient, making them a perfect alternative to other popular cookie variants.

However, one ingredient in biscotti prevents many from enjoying it to the fullest: gluten. Around 6% of the US population is intolerant to gluten for various reasons.
If you belong to this crowd, consuming food with gluten can cause severe allergic reactions with a host of other issues.

Does this mean you have to say goodbye to the oval-shaped goodness forever?
Luckily, the answer is no. Most modern bakeries offer drool-worthy selections of gluten-free biscotti cookies, ensuring no one feels deprived of their unmatched crispiness.

In today's blog, we discuss the benefits of gluten-free biscotti, why you may should them, and what distinguishes them from traditional cookies.

Now that we are familiar with what is biscotti, let's discover more reasons to munch on your favorite cookies!

11 Benefits of Gluten Free Biscotti

Gluten is a form of protein rooming in barley, wheat, rye, and their derivatives. It serves as a binder for ingredients in baked goods, giving it a chewy texture. While gluten is not harmful in general, consuming it can trigger health issues in some people, particularly in individuals with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

For those people, gluten-free snacks and bakery products are great alternatives.
Below, we highlight the best gluten-free biscotti benefits to help you discover more about them.

1. Better digestive health

If you struggle with persistent digestive issues, eliminating gluten from your diet can provide you some relief. Gluten-infused biscotti can cause inflammation in the small intestine and flatten the intestinal villi, contributing to Celiac Disease. It can also limit the number of nutrients your body can absorb, resulting in malnutrition.

Eliminating gluten and switching to gluten-free biscotti can reduce abdominal cramping, stomach upset, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating for those with gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease, according to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness.

Sometimes, people suffering from Crohn's Disease or irritable bowel syndrome or IBS may also benefit from gluten-free biscotti.

Furthermore, gluten sensitivity can be hard to diagnose. If you believe you might be suffering from it, try eliminating all gluten from your diet for at least two weeks. Check whether your symptoms have improved to understand the condition.

2. Increased energy level

One of the most common side effects of Celiac Disease and other gastrointestinal issues is fatigue. Being sensitive to gluten prevents your body from absorbing critical nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. As mentioned before, this can lead to low levels of malnutrition and cause fatigue, anemia, and lower energy levels.

Adopting a gluten-free diet is the best way to avoid the intense feeling of weakness. Swap out your traditional wheat-based bakery items with gluten-free biscotti. It will subside the inflammation of your intestines and improve your energy level.

3. Reduced inflammation

Gluten can cause inflammation in other tissues and throughout the body, in addition to the gastrointestinal system. Several studies have indicated that people who are sensitive to gluten tend to suffer from muscle and joint pain, cramping, and numbness after consuming it.

The primary reason behind this is cytokines. Most gluten-infused bakery items contain this ingredient. Excessive intake can damage tissues and cells across the body. Consequently, chronic inflammation can result in eczema, arthritis, and other issues.

Switching to gluten-free products makes sense to reduce inflammation. Plus, you will enjoy the countless benefits of gluten-free biscotti.

4. Healthier diet

Ditching your traditional biscotti cookies for the benefits of gluten-free biscotti can help you develop an overall healthier diet. You will be less likely to binge on unhealthy cookies, chips, and cakes. As a result, your intake of artificial flavors, preservatives, and ingredients will lessen.

You will be more inclined to choose healthier alternatives, lowering the consumption of oils and fats. In the long term, it can reduce your risk of contracting heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. Furthermore, it will improve your immune system's response to colds, bacterial infections, and other viruses.

5. Enhanced mood

Research done by the Foundation for Celiac Awareness recently indicated that individuals with gluten sensitivity often experience ADHD-like symptoms, such as low mood, muddled thinking, anxiety, depression, and headaches.

Researchers suspect the main reason behind this is cytokines. The inflammatory molecule can interfere with brain functioning. Consuming it at a high level for the long term can lead to dementia and memory-related diseases.

Another noteworthy factor is that gluten can interfere with neurotransmitter production, including dopamine and serotonin release. Both of these chemicals have a significant effect on mood, sleep patterns, and libido.

Removing gluten from your diet and picking gluten-free biscotti improves neurological health and overall well-being. It will enhance your mood and help you better regulate your emotions.

6. Improved cholesterol level

Quitting gluten-infused foods also means eliminating hydrogenated trans fats from your diet. It prevents the unhealthy cholesterol level from rising and helps maintain a healthy level of LDL.

The benefits of gluten-free biscotti don't end there. Opting for the healthier alternative can also lower triglyceride levels, increase HDL cholesterol, lessen ongoing bowel issues, and lead to weight loss.

7. Reduced risk of diabetes and other diseases

As mentioned before, choosing gluten-free biscotti over traditional biscotti cookies can reduce your sugar intake, significantly reducing your risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

Since diabetes and celiac are both autoimmune diseases, some researchers have suggested that they might share a genetic basis. Going gluten-free can manage the symptoms of these diseases and reduce their likelihood of taking a severe form.

8. Ward off viruses

The gluten in traditional biscotti cookies makes it incredibly hard for your body to absorb all the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants you consume.

The lack of necessary nutrients will make your immune system more vulnerable to viruses and diseases.

On the contrary, opting for gluten-free biscotti cookies alongside nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, and nuts can strengthen your immunity system and help you combat potential deficiencies.

Gluten sensitivity is one of the primary reasons behind a weak immune system. Hence, choosing gluten-free products is essential to maintain your body's resistance to common viruses and flu.

9. Promote healthy weight loss

Gluten-based cookies can lead to bloating. If you have gluten sensitivity or Celiac Disease, the traditional breads and biscotti can contribute to unhealthy weight gain.

On the flip side, making healthier choices and enjoying the benefits of gluten-free biscotti will help you save calories, reduce the risk of intestinal issues, and help maintain a healthy weight.

10. Lower your chances of getting another immune disease

Unfortunately, several autoimmune diseases go hand in hand. It means if you have one condition, like Celiac Disease, there's a high risk of developing another condition.

Removing gluten-infused biscotti from your diet can effectively lower your risk of developing another deadly disease. It will reduce your potential of developing leaky gut or permeable intestines.

11. Delicious flavors of gluten-free biscotti

Besides the benefits of gluten-free biscotti, there's another reason to munch on the tasty treats. Gluten-free biscotti cookies have inspired creativity across pantries. The need to explore alternative ingredients and flours has led to the creation of an array of exciting flavors, from dark chocolate to crunchy nuts.

These cookies are also as delicious as their counterparts, if not more. Hence, you can enjoy your favorite crunchy treats without compromising your health.


What Distinguishes Gluten Free Biscotti From Regular Biscotti?

The most obvious difference between regular biscotti and gluten-free biscotti is their flavor. Besides that, you can notice subtle differences in their textures and appearance. It may take some time to completely switch to a gluten-free diet, but it will quickly appreciate the taste, texture, and gluten-free biscotti benefits.

Here are a few key differences you may notice between general and gluten-free biscotti:

  • Flavor differences:

One of the main reasons behind using wheat flour in cookies and cakes is its consistency. It maintains consistency in texture, appearance, and taste.

Gluten-free flours, on the other hand, have different tastes. Some are nutty, while others are sweet. You can also find these flours in strong flavors.

If you are only starting with a gluten-free diet, we recommend trying out gluten-free almond biscotti in different flours to treat your taste buds. Note which flavors you enjoy and the ones you'd instead pass on.

Remember that these cookies will not taste the same as traditional biscotti. They may even taste better than mass-produced general biscotti cookies.

  • Texture differences:

A noteworthy distinction between general cookies and gluten-free biscotti is the texture. Wheat-based biscotti tend to be more consistent and chewy. However, bakeries can mimic this texture by combining several flours and additives.

If you'd like to try out baking gluten-free cookies, here are a few things to keep in mind for a texture that teases your taste buds:

  1. Choose the flour wisely. Some gluten-free flour, such as brown rice flour, corn flour, quinoa flour, and teff flour, have a gritty texture. Other, like sweet rice flour, can have a finer texture. Grinding them finely will help your biscotti gain a finer texture.
  2. Consider baking recipes that are naturally denser, and prioritize using whole-grain breads. It will help you mimic the nature of traditional biscotti.
  3. To enjoy the texture and flavor of your gluten-free biscotti, consume it fresh. Reheat it before serving for the crunchiest bite.
  4. If you are dissatisfied with the biscotti flavor, consider freezing them. It will keep the product moist for a more extended period and firmen the structure.
  • Visual difference:

Gluten-free biscotti and other baked goods may appear slightly different from wheat-based ones.

You may notice that these cookies don't rise like other bakery products. Also, you may observe a slight difference between their brown shades. However, gluten-free biscotti benefits and taste make up for the difference.

With incredible crumb, flaky crusts, and beautiful golden-brown shades, gluten-free biscotti cookies give tough competition to traditional cookies.

Again, if you are baking the cookies yourself, remember to brush the batters and dough with milk or beaten egg before putting them in the oven. This will give the biscotti an even brown shade. You can use baking rings to help the cookies hold their shape and focus on creating a thick dough or batter to make them puffy.

Taking A Closure Look At Gluten Free Biscotti Flours

Whether you are shopping for gluten-free biscotti online or trying to make them at home, you can select the main ingredient from a wide assortment of flours.

It can be confusing if you shop for or follow a gluten-free biscotti recipe for the first time. Hence, we present a list of flours and their details to help you enjoy the best gluten-free biscotti.

  • Amaranth flour: With earthy, nutty flavors, Amaranth flour works excellent when mixed with other flavors. It's more of a pseudocereal than a grain. Hence, you can use it to replace a considerable amount of wheat flour in a recipe.
  • Almond flour: Made from finely-grained almonds, almond flour is one of the most popular choices for gluten-free biscotti. It can be used for beautiful, dense biscotti cookies with a few extra eggs in the mixture.
  • Buckwheat flour: Buckwheat flour is another pseudocereal used in gluten-free products. It has an earthy flavor and can be crumbly.
  • Arrowroot flour: When mixed with other flours, such as almonds, arrowroot flour can significantly improve the texture of your gluten-free biscotti.
  • Coconut flour: Derived from dried coconut meat, coconut flour has a similar texture to wheat flour. However, it absorbs much more moisture than other gluten-free flours.
  • Cassava flour: Cassava flour is another gluten-free flour with a similar texture to wheat flour. It is made by drying and grating cassava roots.


Who Should Avoid Gluten?

The most common reason for avoiding gluten-based products is digestive discomfort. People with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease must avoid gluten-infused biscotti and other products at all costs. Others may follow suit due to gluten allergy or sensitivity.

Below, we discuss what health conditions require you to opt for gluten-free products and enjoy the benefits of gluten-free biscotti.

  • Celiac disease: As previously mentioned, this autoimmune disorder can damage the lining of your small intestine when triggered by gluten consumption. Over time, it prevents the immune system from absorbing nutrients from food.
  • Gluten sensitivity: If you have gluten sensitivity, consuming anything containing the ingredient can cause abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, rash, headache, foggy brain, and other issues.
  • Gluten ataxia: It's another autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten. It can affect nerve tissues, cause problems with muscle control, and impact voluntary muscle movement.
  • Wheat allergy: When the immune system mistakes a protein or other ingredient for a disease-causing agent, like a bacteria or virus, it triggers allergies.

Replacing your traditional biscotti with gluten-free biscotti can help you avoid the symptoms of these diseases and prevent your health from deteriorating.


What To Look For On Labels When Purchasing Gluten Free Biscotti?

If you wish to purchase gluten-free biscotti online, carefully read the labels. Ensure it doesn't contain wheat, triticale, rye, barley, or other ingredients derived from them. Look for the name of the grain used in the cookie.

Also, check the ingredient list. According to the Food and Drug Administration, if an item claims to be gluten-free, it must have fewer than 20 parts per million of gluten.

A few things you can look for to find gluten-free products online include:

  • Naturally gluten-free food labels
  • An ingredient list that doesn't include gluten-containing
  • A food that has not been through cross-contamination with gluten-containing ingredients
  • Food that has been through the gluten-removal process

If a food or drink item has even a slight amount of gluten, it should be stated clearly on the label or ingredient list.

Since rye, wheat, and barley are commonly present in most processed foods, separating them from gluten-free products can be challenging. It's not rare to find brands hiding wheat gluten under the labels of binding or thickening agents.

Hence, it's vital to read the labels when shopping for gluten-free biscotti or similar products.

Add More Crisp To Your Lazy Evenings With The Gluten-Free Biscotti Range By Aldo's Coffee

There are numerous benefits of gluten-free biscotti. However, finding genuine gluten-free bakery items can be a challenge. That's why we have brought you a vast range of drool-worthy gluten-free biscotti cookies available in various flavors.

At Aldo's Coffee, we ensure you don't have to compromise your health to enjoy your favorite snacks by using ingredients that don't trigger gluten allergy. Made from quality ingredients and with Italian cookie recipes, we guarantee authentic taste, premium quality, and no allergic symptoms. So, order now!

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